Roundup Tough Rtu 1.2L Promo

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SKU: 49085

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Roundup® Tough Ready To Use Weedkiller kills tough weeds to the roots. It kills brambles, thistles, nettles, dock,…

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    SKU: 49085 Category:



    Roundup® Tough Ready To Use Weedkiller kills tough weeds to the roots. It kills brambles, thistles, nettles, dock, couch and many more
    and includes special guidance for treatment of tough and woody weeds Fast action, resultsare visible in 1-2 days.


    Kills tough weeds to the roots.
    Kills brambles, thistles, nettles, dock, couch and many more.
    Fast action, results visible in 1-2 days.
    Includes special guidance for treatment of tough and woody weeds.
    Degraded in soil by micro organisms.